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Custom cob

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Imagine receiving a cardboard tube in the mail with your name on it. You pull it out and see a cob of corn with words carved out of it of an inside joke you have with a friend. You're confused. You're excited. But mostly confused... And now you can bring that confused excitement to your friends! Send a custom cob to anyone in the world. Say it's from whoever you'd like. Make it say whatever you'd like! You can remain 100% anonymous or say it's from anyone/anything you'd like. Because of the nature of a corn cob, we are only able to carve out 3 lines of text on one cob, each line with a maximum of 6 characters. Some examples include:

  • Happy B-Day Bitch

  • You Da Best

  • Stay Weird

  • Happy Dads Day

  • I Hate You

  • WTF Greg

  • U Will Be Missed

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All orders are snail mailed 100% anonymously. Nobody will know who sent it (unless you want them to).

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Custom cob

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